‘లఘు చిత్రం’ అంటే అనంత శోధన : తనికెళ్ల భరణి
-బాబ్జీ, సినీదర్శకుడు
July 8th, 2010
వాస్తవాన్ని వాస్తవంగా అవగతం చేసుకుని ఆ వాస్తవాన్ని వాస్తవంగా ప్రేక్షకుల ముందు నిలిపేందుకు వాస్తవానే్న ఆయుధంగా ధరించిన ‘అధివాస్తవిక దర్శకుడు’ ఆయన- హతేవును హేతుబద్ధంగా పరిశీలించే హేతువాద తాత్విక స్వభావమున్న ‘ప్రయోజనాత్మక ప్రయోగశీలి’ ఆయన-
28 నిమిషాల ‘సిరా’ 23 నిమిషాల ‘కీ’... మూడు నిమిషాల ‘బ్లూక్రాస్’... ఒకే ఒక్క నిమిషపు ‘ద లాస్ట్ ఫార్మర్’ అనే నాలుగు వేదాల్లాంటి నాలుగు లఘుచిత్రాలతో తెలుగునాట షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ల కేతనాన్ని దిగ్విజయంగా దిశ దిశలా దర్శనమిచ్చేలా ఎగరేసిన ‘దార్శనికుడు’ ఆ మనిషి-
ఆ కేతనాన్ని చూసిన సినిమా ప్రియులు, ముఖ్యంగా సమాంతర సినిమా ప్రియులు ‘హమ్మయ్య... సత్యజిత్ రే, ఆదూర్ గోపాలకృష్ణల వారసుడు మన తెలుగులో కూడా ఉన్నాడోచ్’’ అని గాలి పీల్చుకున్నారు.
అంతర్జాతీయ యవనికలపై తెలుగు సినిమా ఖ్యాతిని ఇనుమడింపజేయడం కోసం తన కనుగుడ్డుని కెమెరాకి ఫిక్స్ చేయడానికి సైతం వెనుకాడని ఆ సర్రియలిస్టు ఎవరో కాదు... మనందరికీ తెలిసిన తోట రాముడు ‘తనికెళ్ల భరణి’- ‘డిసైడ్ చేస్తా’ అనేది సినిమాలో తోట రాముడు ఊతపదం! ఇప్పుడా తోట రాముడే సినిమా పూలవనంలో షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ల ఉద్యమాన్ని డిసైడ్ చేస్తున్నాడు...! తెలుగునాట నత్తనడకగా సాగుతున్న షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ల నిర్మాణానికి తను సృష్టించిన ‘సిరా’తో కొత్త ఊపిరులు పోసిన వైతాళికుడు ఆయన-
ఆంధ్రావనిలో షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ ఫెస్టివల్స్ కొత్తబాటలు వేస్తున్న నేపథ్యంలో సదరు షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ మేకర్తో ఓ షార్ట్ ఇంటర్వ్యూ...
8రెగ్యులర్ సినిమాలలో నటిస్తున్న మీకు షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్లను రూపొందించాలనే ఆలోచన ఎందుకు వచ్చింది?
- ‘రెగ్యులర్’ సినిమాలలో నటిస్తున్నాను కాబట్టే..!
- సినిమా అనేది పూర్వం కళాత్మక వ్యాపారం! ఇప్పుడు వ్యాపారాత్మక కళ! ప్రపంచంలో అన్ని రంగాల్లోనూ విలువలు లుప్తమైపోతున్న వేళ ఎక్కడో ఓ కొత్త గొంతు వినిపిస్తూనే వుంటుంది! స్వరం పీలగా వున్నా అది ‘కొత్తగొంతు...’’! అలాగే మెగాస్టార్ చిరంజీవి నుండి అప్ కమింగ్ శర్వానంద్ వరకు రెగ్యులర్ సినిమాలు చేస్తున్నప్పటికీ వారిలో తమ అనుభూతిని వ్యక్తం చేసే సినిమాలు చేయాలనే తపన ఉంటుంది. ఆ తపన ఫలితమే చిరంజీవి ‘రుద్రవీణ’., శర్వానంద్ ‘గమ్యం’! ప్రతి కళాకారునికి అనుభూతిలోకి రాని ఓ ‘గమ్యం’ ఉంటుంది! అలాగే నాక్కూడా...!
8వీక్షకుల సంఖ్య తక్కువనుండే షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్లను నిర్మించడానికి ఇంత శ్రమ తీసుకోవడం అవసరమా? వీటి గొప్పదనాన్ని ఎంతమంది గుర్తిస్తారు?
- మనల్ని ఎంతమంది గుర్తించారు అనేదానికన్నా బేసిక్గా నాలోవున్న తపనను నేను గుర్తించాను. ముందు నన్ను నేను గుర్తుపట్టాను అనే తృప్తికోసం ఈ షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్లను నిర్మించాను! అడవిలో ఓ పువ్వు పూసేది ఎవరికోసం? ఎవరు గుర్తించాలని? దాని పరిమణాలు తుదకి తెలియకుండానే సర్వత్రా వ్యాపిస్తాయి. అందరూ వచ్చి ఆ పువ్వును
కోసుకోనక్కరలేదు. ఆ పరిమళాలను అనుభవిస్తే చాలు..
8నాలుగు గోడల మధ్య అందుకునే అవార్డుల కోసం, తద్వారా వచ్చే పేరు ప్రఖ్యాతుల కోసమే ఈ షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్లను రూపొందించారా?
- కళాకారుడికి కావలసింది చప్పట్లు. ఆ తర్వాతే ఆస్తులయినా, అంతస్థులయినా! నేను ఈ లఘు చిత్రాలను డైరెక్ట్ చేస్తున్నప్పుడు అపారమైన సంతృప్తిని పొందాను. నా జీవితంలోనే అద్భుతమైన రోజులవి. ప్రతి క్షణాన్ని ఆస్వాదిస్తూ, అనుభవిస్తూ పనిచేశాను. ఒక పువ్వు తనకు కావలసినట్లు విరిసినట్లు నాలోని కళాకారుడు తనకు కావలసినట్లు పనిచేశాడు. సంపూర్ణ స్వేచ్ఛను అనుభవిస్తూ పనిచేశాను. స్వదేశంలో మేధావులు గుర్తించారు. విదేశాలలో అవార్డుల వర్షం కురిసింది. పెళ్లిళ్లలో మాదిరిగా సదరు షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ల ప్రివ్యూలలో సద్య స్పందనతో కొందరు సినిమా ప్రియులు లక్షల రూపాయలు చదివింపులు చదివించారు!
8మీ తొలి లఘు చిత్రం ‘సిరా’ను వీక్షించిన ప్రేక్షకులలో 90 శాతం మంది ప్రేక్షకులకు అర్థమే కాలేదట కదా?
- నిజమే. నా ‘సిరా’ను అర్థం చేసుకోని వారి శాతం మీరు చెప్పిన దానికన్నా ఇంకొంచెం ఎక్కువుగా ఉన్నా ఆశ్చర్యపోనక్కరలేదు. ‘అర్థం కాలేదు’ అనంటే అర్థం చేసుకోవడానికి సిద్ధం కాలేదని అర్థం. బుద్ధి శుద్ధి కాకుండా ‘తత్వం’ అవగతం కానేకాదు. ఈ మాటలు కర్కశంగా అనిపిస్తాయి. కానీ ఆకాశయానం చెయ్యాలంటే అర్హత ఉండాలి, ఇక్కడ అర్హత - అహంకారం కాదు! సాకారం!! లఘుచిత్రాలను నిర్మించేవారికీ, చూసేవారిటీ ఓ అర్హత కావాలి. భూమిలో ఒక చిన్న విత్తనాన్ని విత్తి అది మొక్కగా చిగుర్చి చెట్టుగా ఎదిగే విషయంలో ఒక ‘రైతు’ చూపించే ‘శ్రద్ధ’ కావాలి. నా దృష్టిలో లఘు చిత్రం అంటే ఒక వినోదం కాదు.. ఆనందం కాదు! అదో దుర్బర వేదన...! అదో అనంతశోధన...!
8 రెగ్యులర్ సినిమాల మాదిరిగా వీటిని కొనే డిస్ట్రిబ్యూటర్గాని, ప్రదర్శించే ఎగ్జిబిటర్గానీ ఉండరు కదా? మరి వీటి నిర్మాణానికై పెట్టే పెట్టుబడి ఎలా తిరిగి వస్తుంది?
- నిజమే. రెగ్యులర్ సినిమాలకు మాదిరిగా వీటికి వ్యాపారం లేదు. కానీ జాగ్రత్తగా, మంచి కథ, కథనాలతో మంచి టేకింగ్ విలువలతో, కొత్త వాసనలతో వీటిని నిర్మిస్తే దేశ విదేశాలలో జరిగే ఫిలిం ఫెస్టివల్కు ఎంపికయి, అవార్డులు పొందడం ద్వారా పెట్టిన పెట్టుబడే కాకుండా అదనంగా మరో పదింతల ఆదాయాన్ని పొందవచ్చు. విదేశాలలో అవార్డులు వస్తే నగదు బహుమతులు డాలర్ల రూపంలో వుండి మన దేశంలో వచ్చే డబ్బుకంటే 100 రెట్లు ఎక్కువ ఉంటుంది! 50వేల డాలర్లు ప్రైజ్మనీని అందించే ఫెస్టివల్లు, కోటి రూపాయల పై చిలుకు విలువగల సినిమా కెమెరా లను బహుమతులుగా అందజేసే షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ ఫెస్టివల్కూడా అంతర్జాతీయంగా ప్రతి యేటా జరుగుతున్నాయి. ఇలా కోట్లు సంపాదించినా, సంపాదిస్తున్నా షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ రూపకర్తలు ఎందరో వున్నారు. మన తెలుగువారికి చాలా మందికి ఈ వాస్తవాలు తెలియక వీటి నిర్మాణానికి ఆసక్తి చూపడంలేదు.
8 షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్లను ఫెస్టివల్స్కు పంపుకోవడం ఎలా?
- పత్రికల ద్వారా, నెట్ల ద్వారా ఎక్కడెక్కడ, ఏయే తేదీలలో ఏ సంస్థ షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ ఫెస్టివల్స్ని జరుపుతుందో తెలుసుకోవచ్చు. అప్లికేషన్లు కూడా నెట్ల ద్వారానే డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు. వీటిలో ప్రవేశ రుసుమును కట్టించుకునే ఫెస్టివల్స్ కొన్ని ప్రవేశ రుసుమును ఉచితం చేసే ఫెస్టివల్స్ కొన్నివున్నాయి. అంతర్జాతీయ ఫెస్టివల్స్కు ప్రవేశ రుసుం 50 డాలర్ల నుండి 100 డాలర్ల వరకు వుంటుంది. అంటే మన లెక్కల ప్రకారం 5 వేలనుండి 10 వేల వరకు అన్నమాట. ఈ ప్రవేశరుసుం కూడా నెట్ల ద్వారానే చెల్లించాలి. రెండు డివిడిలను అప్లికేషన్స్తో పాటు పంపాలి, స్క్రూట్నీ వివరాలను నిర్వాహకులు ఎప్పటికప్పుడు ఇంటర్నెట్ ద్వారా మనకు తెలుపుతూనే వుంటారు. పోటీలో సెలెక్ట్ అయిన విషయం కూడా మనకు మెసేజ్ ద్వారా తెలుపుతారు. పోటీకి వచ్చిన వందలాది, వేలాది షార్ట్ఫిల్మ్ల ఎంట్రీలలో మన ఎంట్రీ ఎప్పటికప్పుడు స్క్రూట్నీలో నిలదొక్కుకుంటూ చివరికి పోటీకి ఎంపిక కావడం అనే వ్యవహారాన్ని ఇంటర్నెట్లో వీక్షిస్తున్న మనకు ఆస్కార్ అవార్డుని ఇంట్లో కూర్చుని చూసిన అనుభూతి కలుగుతుంది. మన ఎంట్రీగాని పోటీకి సెలెక్ట్ అయితేనే దర్శక నిర్మాత లిద్దరిని ఫెస్టివల్కు గౌరవంగా ఆహ్వానించి రాను పోను విమానచార్జీలు, హోటల్ చార్జీలు సైతం నిర్వాహకులే భరిస్తారు. పోటీలో అవార్డులను పొందితే మాత్రం లాభాల పంట పండినట్లే...!
8మీరు షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్లకు తప్ప రెగ్యులర్ సినిమాలకు (మెయిర్ స్క్రీమ్ మూవీస్) దర్శకత్వం వహించరా?
- అలాంటి అడ్డుగోడలేని నా ఆలోచనలకు లేవు. నేను వచ్చేయేడాదిలో తప్పకుండా ఓ మెయిన్స్క్రీమ్ సినిమాను రూపొందిస్తాను. అది ప్రయోగాత్మకంగా, ప్రయోజనాత్మకంగా వుంటుంది. అలాగే నాకో ప్రత్యేక గుర్తింపును తీసుకొచ్చి నా ప్రత్యేక ప్రపంచాన్ని ఏర్పరచిన షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్లను మాత్రం జీవితాంతం రూపొందిస్తూనే వుంటాను. ప్రస్తుతం ‘అనంతరం’ పేరుతో ఓ షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ను ప్లాన్ చేస్తున్నాను. 2000 సం.ల క్రితం జరిగిన యుద్ధానంతరం దృశ్యం. యుద్ధానంతరం పరిణామాలు కథాంశంగా ఆ లఘు చిత్రాన్ని రూపొందించనున్నాను. గోల్డెన్ గ్లోబ్, జర్మనీ ఫెస్టివల్, కాన్స్ ఫిల్మ్ ఫెస్టివల్ వంటి ప్రపంచ ప్రసిద్ధ షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ ఫెస్టివల్లను టార్గెట్గా చేసుకుని ‘అనంతరం’ ను నిర్మించనున్నాను.
8 దర్శకుడిగా మీకు స్ఫూర్తి!
- సత్యజిత్ రే! నా నివాసంలోని నా పర్సనల్ గదిలో ఆయన ఫోటోను గోడకు తగిలించుకున్నాను. ప్రతి రోజూ ఆయనకు మొక్కుతాను. ఆయన ఫోటోతో మాట్లాడుతుంటాను. ఆయనలా ‘అదివాస్తవిక దర్శకుడి’లా పేరు తెచ్చుకోవాలనేది నా డ్రీమ్... నా లక్ష్యం... నా గమ్యం...!
8 అధివాస్తవికత అంటే?
- ప్రపంచం అబద్ధంలో బతుకుతుంది. సొసైటీ హిపోక్రటీస్గా బతుకుతుంది. ఆ పరిస్థితిలో నిజాన్ని కుండబద్ధలు కొట్టేలా చెప్పడంలో అంతర్గతాన్ని బహిర్గతం పరిచే దృశ్యరూపమే ‘అధి వాస్తవికత’!
8 ఈ అధికవాస్తవిక చిత్రాలు మొదట ఎక్కడ ప్రారంభం అయ్యాయి.
- ప్రపంచయుద్ధ ప్రభావం ఆ రోజుల్లో అన్ని కళల మీద పడింది. తొలుత పొయెట్రీ మీద, తదుపరి పెయింటింగ్స్ మీద, ఆ తర్వాత నాటకాలు సినిమాలు పైన పడింది. ఆ యుద్ధ నేపథ్యంలో అక్కడి సినిమా కళాకారులు తమ గుండె ఘోషకు ఒక రూపం కల్పించాలని పడిన తపనలోనుంచే అధివాస్తవిక చిత్రాలు పురుడు పోసుకున్నాయి. ఆ విధంగా యుద్ధ కారణమైన యూరప్లోనే షార్ట్ఫిల్మ్లు పుట్టుకొచ్చాయి.
8 షార్ట్ ఫిల్మ్ మేకర్లకు మీరిచ్చే సలహా....
(ఆంధ్రభూమి సౌజన్యంతో....)
Remember Nanaji in the movie Siva or the Tota Ramudu of Yamaleela. Or just the dialogues of Siva and Ladies Tailor. They are all done by Sri. Tanekella Bharani. He is play writer, actor and dialogue writer. |
Name: Tanikella Dasa Bharani
Screen Name: Tanikella Bharani
Date of Birth: July 14th 1956
Place of Birth: Hyderabad
Education: B.Com, PG Diploma in Theatre Arts
Profession: Actor and Writer
First Film (Year): KanchuKavacham (1984)
Father: TVVSetu Ramalingeswar Rao
Mother: Laxminarasamma
Wife: Bhavani
Son: Maha Tej
Daughter: Soundarya Lahari
Achievements: 60 films as a writer and around 300 films as an actor. Sahitya Academy Award For Gograhanam drama.
I met him first at the shooting of some movie in annapoorna studious and then after a long time I met him in USA. This time I wanted to take an interview with him. So when I went to talk to him. He was very nice to me. He gave a lot of respect. Our interview started in the bus as we have less time in the daytime.
Tell me about your background. | ||||||
my ancestors came from west Godavari. After Razakar movement my father came to Hyderabad. He is the first person to come to Hyderabad from our family. His name is TVSS Ramalingeshwara Rao. Tanikella Venkata Subramanya Sethu Ramalingeshwara Rao. Lengthy name. He came to Hyderabad with one rupee. | ||||||
I think One rupee at that time is a big money. | ||||||
may be it is hundred rupees now. After landing at secunderabad railway station, opposite to it is some hotel, he thought of having breakfast there and while going there he saw a beggar and he gave a quarter to him. This was observed by an ayyar who is a hotel owner he called him asked about the details. He was surprised hearing that he has only one rupee and out of it he spared quarter to a beggar. He became a very good friend of my father. They are inseparable until death. We settled in secundrabad. My father got a job in Swadeshi Khadi Bhandar as a sales man. | ||||||
Where is it | ||||||
It is in Secunderabad. Then he got a job in railways. That time getting a job in railways was very easy. My father passed PUC. So got it very easily. Like that we are settled in Railways. We are seven children. | ||||||
Weekdays | ||||||
(laughs) I am fourth one in the house. I was born on tenth day under bharani star. So that time my grand mother kept me the name as Tanikella Dhasa Bharani. I was totally into the railway family. Railway school, railway colony, railway dress, railway track, railway bridge etc., railways became part of my life. Infact I enjoyed it also. The artistic bend came to when I was a kid. At the time of navaratri festivals we used to celebrate them ten days at the colony. Haridas used to come there and used to tell the Harikatha. I used to sit near to the legs of him and used to listen the story with a keen interest. That was a trilling feeling to me. Immediately I used to come to the house gather all the children, wear a dhoti and put some garland which ever available in the neck, there is one thing called chimata which was used for binding the books that I used to as chidatalu. Then I used to tell the story whichever way I like. That was fun. And after the story I used to collect chocolates and kannis for my remuneration. I passed my intermediate in the railway colony. That time every one wants to become a doctor or an engineer. My total marks in maths over all in my lifetime will be 75. Usually I used to get 5, 7, 7 and half something like that. | ||||||
aren't you getting problems with your payment collections now? | ||||||
That is the reason I never count the money when I take from some one. If I count then I think I have to pay that guy in reverse (laughs). | ||||||
I think then I should do business with you. So that I will earn more money. | ||||||
(laughs) that is the reason I don't do business. I will tell u one episode on this. When I was a kid I used to bring milk everyday from milk booth. That time milk used to come in bottles of half liter. Half liter is one rupee. So I took ten rupees and went and brought the half liter bottle. He gave me the change. I counted on my way back and found it is ten rupees. So I went back and scolded him and gave him one rupee and came back. While on the way I counted again and found eight rupees only. From that time I stopped counting (laughs). That is my mathematical intellect. Railway quarters is wonderful world. There are so many people live together from the different part of the places. Opposite side is malayales, beside is anglo-indians, muslims, gujarathis etc., | ||||||
Is that the reason for doing a god job as a malayalee in 'Naari Naari naduma murani?' | ||||||
yes. Yes. There is a lot of influence of it on me. As I have a very good friend Devadas menon. His father Harihara Menon. So I used to see lot of malayalee movies, as he can't understand the Telugu movies. Even now he talks in broken Telugu. So I used to see lot of English movies and Malayalam art movies with him. After my intermediate with the lowest marks, I joined in B.Com. Because I cannot dream of MBBS with that marks. My father always used to say I am a good for nothing fellow. Except me all others in the family are gold medallists. I don't know the reasons I don't like studies. I never felt that I need the studies. So finally only the easiest way for studying is B.Com. At that time the bank mania has not yet started. Every one was interested in doctor or in engineering. As they started a new college in secunderabad and there are lot of vacancies there, with our minimum marks I got seat in that college. Even now I cannot tally the balance sheet. We used to have a commerce professor in college by name Lalith Kumar. He always used to say that he wants to see me tallying the trail balance before he dies. I am sorry sir I cannot do it (laughs). That also didn't work out. I used to have a friend by name Indra Sena Reddy. We used to sit at the backbench. He used to smoke in front of the lecturers. They are all my friends. I used to balance the balance sheet with the what ever figures I liked. I finally passed the exam with the lowest marks as usual. After the results came, my father calmly said from now on you are on your own. I will just provide you the food. Rest of the things you have to take care of your own. Until yesterday it was my duty to give you money for your studies.from now on you or on your own. He doesn't want to recommend me for the job because of the lowest marks. In that process I did different jobs. My first job was with the marwadies. They have a medical shop beside the royal theatre at sultan bazaar. As I was introduced as Bcom graduate by my friend. He asked me to do the accounts. I almost fainted hearing that. Seeing my dumbness in accounts, he asked me to do the collection job. He game me the tins of amul milk powder, they are tied to the back of my cycle until they are the height of my head, literally a labor work. First time in my life I regretted that I should have studied harder. But by that time is too late. I would like to tell to the youth the same thing. Please do not waste time; please spare time for your studies. Ok back to story. My jobs are give the tin, take the money and return it the owner. In that process as I was poor in money matters, by the afternoon I ended-up paying fifty rupees from my pocket. My employer scolded me left and right. By this time I was hungry so thought of going to my brothers house for lunch. He stays in kachiguda. I was on my way and caught by a police constable for going on wrong direction. For that I have to pay fine of two rupees. I went back to my employer and took the money and paid him to get my cycle back. That was the end of my first job. Until then I never had problems as I was from the middle class family, I used to have lot of friends. After some mean jobs I joined as a godown keeper in yagnayya and sons. That was not a big firm. But they gave a lot of respect to me. I used to do all jobs there. Some times I used to fill petrol also when there is a power failure or strike something like that. that time I regretted for not studying well. After my intermediate I met Anand, Radhakrishna, Kalidas, Ch. Subramanya Varaprasad and long with them I started playing dramas. That time I was introduced to Sri Rallapalli. | ||||||
Rallapalli was well-noted player that time I think | ||||||
he was in song and drama division. He encouraged us a lot. I used to work and do the plays side by side. I was in the competitions for most of the time. National level etc., I got lot of prizes for best script and other things. I used to get lot of kicks in that time. At that time kota and rallapalli used to stay near to namalagundu. We are doing Rallapali's Mugimpuleni Katha. I played Rallapalli's father-in-law almost for 96 times. | ||||||
I think you are lot younger than Raalapalli | ||||||
I used to be very lean that time. I used to he half of what I am now. I used to be a chain smoker then. So that time we have to go to ananthapur for the competition. I already used all my leaves for the dramas. As it is a private firm I cannot ask for more leave, we are in dilemma what to do. Then Kota came to my office and introduced himself as Tanikella Srinivas my elder brother. He said to my supervisor Venkatappayya that I need some medical checkup and I am not well and not taking the leave as work is more important to me. My supervisor scolded me and granted me the leave. We went and got the award for the play as usual. But the funny thing is kota's nephew married to my supervisor daughter and then they got to know what exactly happened. so we used to do almost seven plays in a month. After that raalapalli went to madras. That time I got a job in Amrutha Vaani. I was selected out of 45 people. | ||||||
What is that? | ||||||
It is a Christian communication division on audio vedio division. There is a division of bharata mitram and dharma vijayam.i used to work in dharma vijayam. It concentrates on the universal theme of dharma and other things. I was in-charge to it. I used to do the job and in play the drama's in the evenings. After rallapalli moved to madras we didn't had a writer. So I was forced to write a drama for the competitions. That was my first play and it is 'Ghardhabahndam' which means donkeys egg (gadida guudu). Tallavarjulla Sundaram was my friend who directed it. | ||||||
yeah he was a good director and actor. I heard about him. | ||||||
yes. He is a very good director. He is the only director who got many best director awards in the dramas. He got more than 200 best director awards. Ganthi Subba rao, Kambhampati Subramanyam, CVL Narasimha Rao are other actors were in the play. We did this play first time in Ravindra Bharathi and it was a big hit and created a sensation, because it is a satire on political system. It says socialism is a myth. From then on we played it so many times. My next play was 'Kokoroko'. That was also a big hit. It has only two characters with 13 to 14 episodes. | ||||||
I think it created a new trend at that time because of the less characters. | ||||||
That was first time and we played that play almost 100 times. We played it in calcutta, kerala etc., everywhere it created a sensation. It points what country loses when an intelligent is not recognized properly. Like all the software people coming to USA. | ||||||
We don't have intentions to stay here for long most of us may go back. | ||||||
Yeah I know. If you get better chance in India, you may not wish to come here.' Jananni Janmabhoomisha Swargadapi Gariyasi' there is no compare to motherland. Then at that time they started an arts theatre in the university. I joined in it for the evening course. Same time I wrote another play 'gograhanam' that was also a big hit and did many times all around the India. It won me a Sahitya academy award. That was my best play so far. It also made as a street play and did thousands of times on the streets. The play shows the gradual growth of a girl to women and their tribunals. Tallavarjulla sundaram directed it. Then came 'Chal Chal Guram' my another play, which was watched by mr.damaraju hanumantha rao. | ||||||
I think he is TV producer? | ||||||
Now he is a TV producer. But that time he is a producer for dramas. He has a theatre in guntur and he is planning to do a movie with suman. And he invited me to write dialogues for his film 'Kanchukavacham' with Suman and Tulasi. | ||||||
Yes I remember a rain song with all seven colors on tulasi and suman. I don't remember the director name, did he made any films after that? | ||||||
his name is rajashekar reddy and he made one more film after that. for this film we went to kerala for 45 days for the story discussions. There I had all type of experiences. I was happy, sad, good memories and bad memories, I saw every thing of the film land and decided not to get into that and after completion of the script came back. I felt that film field is too hypocrite and hated a lot. It is not actually hypocrite but survival the fittest. If you have talent you get a good place or else you are gone. No talent no survival. The film was an average run at box-office. But the editor satyam saw the film and he liked the dialogues and recommended me to mouli who is making patnam pilla - paleturi chinodu for vijay bapineedu and that film was hit and it ran for 100 days. So my second film is 100 days film. But I came back to hyderabad and doing my regular job. Rallapalli wants to make his drama Mugimpuleni Katha into a movie and called me to madras. But some how it didn't worked out. At that time I was introduced to vamsi by rallapalli, who is doing re-recording of preminchu-pelladu for ramoji rao garu. He gave me 4 scenes and asked me to work on it within a week. To his surprise I gave him back the script of them by evening. He asked me not to go and said that I will be working for his next film. The film is Alapana. While doing alapana, I met sravanthi movies ravi kishore, tammudu satyam and saibaba, who listened the story of ladies taylor and I wrote the dialogues for that film. The shooting was done in raajolu. The film was a big hit. I also did a role in it. I became a successful writer and I almost wrote 12 films in a year. | ||||||
How you met Ramu? | ||||||
Siva Nageshwara Rao was assistant director for Ravugarillu under Tarani for Surendra. He recommended me for the dialogues. That time Ramu was assistant to him. He used to be very silent and very observative. He was introduced to me as nagarjuna's friend. He used to different from others. I used to be close with him that time. I didn't worked for that film due to some reasons. D.V.Narasaraju garu wrote the dialogues for that film. Then one day, I received a call from ramu asking me to come and meet him at annapoorna studios. I went and there he is sitting in the big office and informed me that I he is directing a film, I was happy and surprised then he mentioned that he would like me to write the dialogues for that film. I was happy and did that film. | ||||||
how did you get the role in it? | ||||||
then one day when shooting was in progress. He called me and I was in jeans and shirt. He asked me to take of the shirt and asked me to wear a lalchi on my jeans and said I am perfect for the role. I was not informed what role I am doing. Then I asked what is the role. He informed that for the role of nannaji they tried some other actor, but due to some problems that was not worked out. So I was selected for it. Then I said ok leave the rest of it to me, I went and changed my dress to lalchi, paijama and put oil to hair, then surma to eyes and big sindoor on my forehead. He said perfect and you know the result on the screen. It gave me much regonisation. Those time Krishna Vamsi and Teja were assistants for that film. I did the same role in hindi too. But all the credit of dialogues and everything goes to ramu and not to me. After that I shifted my career to acting then writing. | ||||||
what made you do that. You get lot of name in writing too? | ||||||
I wrote sixty films so far. But I am not getting enough money on that for survival. Writer do have respect but not money at that time. For last five years the scene is changed. Now a days they are getting money too. That is good. But here also if you click as an artist then it is good. Otherwise you are gone case. Atleast writer has respect but not flop actor. After siva I got a good role in 'Yemaleela' as Tota Ramudu. | ||||||
How you got associated with SVK? | ||||||
That time I was working for editor mohan for the film Palnati Paurusham. I was informed to get in touch with SVK . Because I don't have phone in the house. So I called them. He asked me to give the dates for 15 to 20 days at a stretch. But the dates are already given for mohan. But it is very nice of them to postpone the shooting until I have the dates. I became busy and after that I did a role in aame with EVV. | ||||||
How do you know EVV | ||||||
When I was doing siva EVV was assistant director and he came to me one day with the story of Chevilo Puvuu and I wrote the dialogues for that film the film was not a hit but seeing his spark, ramanaidu garu has given him a break with 'Prema khaidi' and that became a super hit film. Then I did another good character in matrudevo bahava with ajay kumar. | ||||||
the song of Veturi got the award I think. | ||||||
Yes. Then I did some more good characters in Maavichiguru and Pelli sandadi. | ||||||
I think you worked with Raghavendra rao as an actor but not as an writer? | ||||||
Yes. But he is having a good literary heart. Whenever he starts a film he calls all of his writer friends. He discusses it and then goes for production. He is a very good man. Infact for the film Annamayya also he discussed with all of us. That was a very beautiful film. After the success of the film siva he called for the JVAS and I played one of the villan roles in that film. We became good friends after that. he called me for the story discussions of 'Pellisandadi' also. That was also a big hit film. Recently I did a good role in his Muudumukkalata with him for ushakiran banner after Chitram. | ||||||
How is your association with Teja. Heard that he is little eccentric. | ||||||
No he is not an eccentric. Even people call ramu also as an eccentric. But they are not. | ||||||
Even Vamsi used to be called as eccentric. But we used to see the other side of them like their creativity and the meaning of the picturisation etc., | ||||||
That was our greatness that we see the positive side of the other person. People are different from each other. Some may like rice some may like chapatti. That doesn't meant the people who eat chapatthi are eccentric. Their concept of way of thinking is different from others. I worked with vamsi,ramu, krishnavamsi and teja. I know teja as a cameraman. | ||||||
Heard that Teja used to discontinued some movies in the middle and Chota and Rasool complete them? | ||||||
see in this field it is very hard to live like that. but still he is surviving. That is because he is having the confidence and know what he is doing. See they call Sri S.Rajeshwara Rao also as eccentric, but he is creative genius. He knows what was doing. I call them as individual persons. I respect individuality. I think Teja will make very big in future | ||||||
heard Jackie Shroff approached for a film under his direction. | ||||||
Yes. Also there is a film with Ramana, I will be doing it soon. I really enjoyed working with him. | ||||||
How is your association with Krishna Vamsi? | ||||||
Krishna Vamsi calls me Anna. He is very close to me. First I met him when I was doing siva. He came introduced himself as my fan. He said that he saw ladies tailor 10 times and kanakamahalaxmi recording dance troupe 20 times. | ||||||
I think that was his native place. | ||||||
Yes | ||||||
Kanaka Mahalaxmi was a good film but.. | ||||||
I think we missed some in the movie like we should have shown their troubles and their difficulties also. It should have along with the entertainment. | ||||||
Vamsi was telling in one of his interviews that one of the minus point is that he was not completely satisfied with the music for that particular film. | ||||||
That may be his opinion. In the creativity field it is difficult to have a formula. No one have the formula for the success. If we know the formula then we can make all the films a hit. | ||||||
Which one was your favourite film. | ||||||
Ladies tailor and then Ankuram. That film has all small dialogues. For that film I took very less amount, but I liked that subject and because of that I did it even though I was quite busy at that time. | ||||||
After that film, Uma Maheswara Rao did one more good film Srikaram but it didn't run well. How you got interested in literature? Because you are born and brought up in hyderabad. But you have a good knowledge in telugu? How is possible? | ||||||
Basically I am from literary family. One of my great grand fathers are Tirupathi Venkata Kavulu. Diwakarla Venkatavadhani is my great grand father. So some jeans are flowing in me. Also my uncle is Viswanatha Satyanarayana. So when I was working in Amrutha vaani there we have a very big library. I used to read them a lot. From my child hood I like telugu literature. So I used to read a lot of them when I was working there. Even now I don't watch TV, I read a book every day. (that day he is reading Arudra Vantini Padyalu, while all others are playing cards or sleeping). Sometimes I watch discovery planet or animal planet. They are more good then lot of other people. I like the books a lot because we are nothing in front of the others knowledge and we learn more by reading them. I always used to get surprised by seeing lot of things which I am not aware of. So I want to propagate Telugu. I feel I am a volunteer for the telugu literature. Recently I did a philosophical work. When I was reading a paper on Sankranti day, I say a news item where some Ayyappa devotees got killed in Shabari. Immediatly I started writing the poetry atagadara siva. I wrote and gave it to the god. That was his mystery (leelalu). I am visiting all the places of srisailam, kalahasti and kasi with that songs and giving performances of it. They are all siva tatvalu. It was tuned by vina pani, mrudangam by venu, tambura by srinivasan. So we all are giving performances in all the siva temples in india. We already did in 14 temples. And may do some more. I also wrote a poetry called parikini it is under printing. | ||||||
tell me about your family. | ||||||
Me and wife Bhavani, son Maha Teja 5th class, daughter Soundarya Lahari 4th class. My parents are with me. I have good literary friend's circle. And I have a good library. My way of life is simple. Very middle class. I am happy with that. I have two houses. | ||||||
people may Mis-understand if you say two houses! | ||||||
(laughs), no I have only one wife in both the houses. I have everything in life now. I am becoming more philosophical after this Siva tatvalu. I am enjoying the life thoroughly. | ||||||
will you give any message to our readers please | ||||||
What I like to give is please preserve our archives. Once I saw the film Sauvkar in the theatre, that day I have the exam. I was in dilemma. | ||||||
Like Sri Sri said "atu chooste narmasher etu choote kanchanamala?" | ||||||
Yes. Finally I went to the movie bunking the exam. Mala pilla they are all classics. Please preserve them for the future references. See the Americans or Europeans they preserve the old movies. Our people are not doing this. So what I ask is please try to maintain the history of ours. | . |
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